Travel Talk: London!

Now that the flights and hotel are booked, it’s official – on May 15, we depart for London! It will be my second trip to the UK and Andy’s first. We will, of course, do quite a bit of seeing the sights and I hope hire a car to take a day trip up to Warwick Castle and make our way back to London via the picturesque Cotswolds. We’ll only be there four days and it’s going to be a whirlwind, to say the least. The itinerary is still be developed, and will probably change, but this is what where I am now:

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Registration Day Tips

(image captured from Futurama via Netflix)

Merry College Registration Day! For most of you, if registration for the upcoming term hasn’t started, it’s just about to. The first day of registration is a little bit like Black Friday – there’s a limited amount of stock and a whole lotta people want it.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve figured out what to take next semester, how to come up with a schedule and what to expect during your meeting with your advisor. We’ve been preparing for this day and we’re ready! To round out our Planning for Next Semester series, I’ve got a few things to keep in mind about the act of registration.

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Weekly Roundup

I hope everyone’s had a great week – or at least one that’s not totally bad, anyway. Got any weekend plans? Here are a few things I’ve come across this week on the interwebz that I thought you might like, too!

Check out these cool infographic templates from Hub Spot.

I rarely shop at H&M, which is mostly because the closest one is about an hour and a half away, and I’m usually wary of the quality of their clothing, but I might be willing to pull the trigger on one of their rugs. I’m not too old for this one, am I?

Keep these three important questions in mind at your next interview.

The Magna Carta is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year! Weekend trip, anyone?

If you’re a Radiohead fan, check out this 1950s rendition of Creep.

I absolutely couldn’t resist the latest DesignCuts deal. I have been considering purchasing one of the included fonts for full price, but pfft, no way. I just got that font and several others and tons of cute little doodads (that I don’t know how to use) for $29. Outrageous.

What to Expect from Your Registration Meeting with Your Advisor

At most schools, in order to register for the next term, you are required to see your advisor. For a lot of folks, this is the only time they’ll see their advisor. Some people are going to dread it, some will look forward to it, and for some of you, this will be your first time ever meeting your advisor, and you might be nervous, not knowing what to expect. If you fall into the last category, don’t despair – I’ve been there – on both sides of that coin and I have some ideas on what to expect from your registration meeting with your advisor.

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Three Steps to a Mock/Trial Schedule

In the last post, we kicked off registration season by talking about how to choose courses for the upcoming term. This time around, we’ll be discussing three easy steps to create a mock/trial schedule. The reason I’m suggesting that you do this is simple: if you know what courses you need to take and develop a schedule based on those courses, the appointment you will have with your advisor can focus less on the nuts and bolts of what day you want to take math and more on career goals, internships and your life’s calling.

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